Thursday, October 1, 2015

Postgraduate Research Seminar

I know I have been posting nothing much about my research stuff. Let's today be the first post about my research. I'm registering for my third semester, and we all were scheduled to present our 'research-stuff' in these 2 days seminar, organised by the Postgraduate Research Association 2014/2015. What with the 'quote '? Because they didn't put down in details what this seminar about. What's the theme? Is it about my whole research? my progress? or what I plan to do? or what's my contribution? It might seems no difference but time is the constraints, 15 minutes.

I can talk bout my research progress, what I up to and what I plan to do, but there also had evaluator to evaluate us. So they going to evaluate me that still 'ting tong' here and there and doesn't have any significant contribution to my phd research yet? Since I just done my second semester, basically what I did so far was doing literature review and finding platform to build up my system and test my theory.

Enough ranting and whining, I just did my slide to the best I can. Am I nervous? Maybe a little bit, but being a lecturer for the past 4 years definitely help me. Plus my new motto to go, or you can call it my chanting 'just try to have fun'. This is a good advice given by a friend, which is 10 years younger than me. I was nervous going up the platform to sign for our sign language course graduation, but she told me to have fun??? Then I realised, am I going to have a second graduation? No, this will be the one and only sign language course graduation I'm going to graduate, ergo have fun. Whatever the situation is (a logical situation), have fun!

With my motto, I presented my progress and pull through and HAVE FUN. The evaluator was nice to me. He was my undergraduate professor.

It was good to have this kinda seminar, though the theme is not well established, but it helps and prepares postgraduate researchers to present their idea, and get feedback from other experts. I hope I can do better and more productive in third semester.

And the 'other' great things about this seminar? We got free food 4x a day for 2 days. I definitely have fun =)

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