About Me

I registered for Master by research (Electrical and Electronics Engineering) right after my degree convocation. I didn't have any experience about research at all and took my sweet time in that 2 years under scholarship. My scholarship ended but I was lucky to get a job as a lecturer in a nearby college. Time really flies, I completed my master in ~ 4 years time. I don't think I can finish it, ever, if I work in the industry. I can't believe it either when I was walking up the stage to get my master scroll, because I know many of us unable to finish their research once they started working. I think mainly because my supervisor didn't quit on me, keep on pushing me to publish paper.

This blog is about the journey of a postgraduate student (Phd). I don't intend to tell my story/journey at the first place, but merely as a reminder, my PhD registration which was on 5th of September 2014. Time really flies, can't stress this enough. I don't want to go through the path where my scholarship ended but I don't have anything significant enough from my research. It was really hard to focus on research (programming) and juggling with a full time work (teaching, paper work, administration work, mentor-mentee with your students, endless-tedious filing for MQA, etc).

Although I don't intend this place for you at the first place, mainly because I'm not a good writer, but I do open for constructive criticism. Feel free to leave a comment or sharing your master/PhD experiences. You may find my blog also talk about random stuff, running / travelling, because I believe in balanced in life.

Lastly, what I wish for this blog? I hope my last post on this blog will be about my PhD convocation. You might notice I don't have a single picture of me (face) here, for many reasons (I want to believe the outer look is a blessing but the inner may be the most important and we have to work on it everyday). And I want to reserve that picture too, hopefully my convocation =)

Thank you for dropping by.

6th Feb 2016

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